Affected by the fire in 1716, the Golesti manor was restored by the ban Radu Golescu (1746-1818): the manor and the annexes were repaired, the fortification system was strengthened and the watchtower added. On the south and west sides of the domain, outbuildings were built to house the guests and the servants headquarters. The Golescu boyars were good hosts. They always had a full house and many guests at the table: relatives, friends, travellers, merchants, teachers of family children, officials on the road with various missions. Many people stopped in their house, bringing news and gossip. Thus, as the manor could not provide enough space for all the family and guests, a building with several rooms was built on the southern side of the court. Today, here is the history section, where are presented the main moments and personalities that marked the history of the family. On the west side of the domain, there were the kitchens, the servants’ headquarters and the haystack. Many people, agitation, noisiness, food flavours, fresh bread, jam, coffee – all the flavours and sounds mingled in the clear air of Golesti. These rooms are today transformed into spaces for temporary museum exhibitions. The Turkish Bath (hamam) was built at the end of the eighteenth century in the north-west corner of the court. The bath had a cold room (soğukluk in Turkish, frigidarium in Latin) and a hot room (sıcaklık or hararet in Turkish, caldarium in Latin). From the original construction of the bath, only the second room and the hearth where the fire was made were preserved. Next to it is one of the four towers defending the enclosure.