Potters, blacksmiths, coopers were once very important for economic activity in their villages. Much of the economic activity in a rural community depended on these craftsmen. Those days are long ago gone, driven away by the industrial revolution. The Golesti Museum opens windows to the traditional Romanian world, to the sources of our identity, to the old crafts that demanded a practical sense, technical inventiveness, and rigorous ethics of work. The intuition of the merchant and the soul of the artist completed the portrait of the traditional Romanian craftsman. The workshops of the potter, the cooper and the blacksmith were relocated to the museum in order to complete the image of the 19th century Romanian rural space. The workshops of the potter and the cooper are from Argeş County, from Coşeşti and Stăneşti – two villages located on the beautiful valley of the Doamnei River. The smithy comes from the town of Valenii de Munte (Prahova County). In all three workshops, visitors can see the old tools used by the craftsmen. At Goleşti Museum tradition is not an exhibit, it is alive, it lives through the craftsmen who carry on the old working techniques and pass it on to the new generations. Go to Be creative section on the site and find out which are the workshops and the creative programs that help develop the imagination and reveal to the curious people the secrets of almost forgotten trades.