We will begin, in the year 2024, with a series of traditional events in our museum’s agenda, dedicated to the National Culture Day and the Union of the Romanian Principalities.

In anticipation of National Culture Day, on Saturday, January 13, 2024, at 10:00 AM, we pay tribute to Ana Davila (born Racoviță), the granddaughter of Dinicu Golescu, during the Argeș-Mușcel Gathering. The new and beautiful collaboration between the gathering and the museum aims to revitalize the art of sewing and weaving, raise awareness about the beauty and uniqueness of traditional textiles, and create a community interested in promoting these activities. Ana Davila, along with her husband, Dr. Carol Davila, were among the first promoters of the Romanian traditional costume. The event will take place in the History Section of the Golești Museum.


On Monday, January 15, 2024, at 11:00 AM, we celebrate National Culture Day. Culture is a complex phenomenon of human society, encompassing tradition, mass culture, and, evidently, the high culture of intellectual elites. During Monday’s event, we celebrate and discuss, together with students and educators from schools in Argeș, the world of traditional villages, and George Bengescu, a descendant of the Golești family, remarkable for his cultural and diplomatic work. We invite you to join us at:

The opening of the international ethnographic exhibition “Animals from Grandparents’ Courtyard”, at the Grand Ban Radu Golescu Infirmary.

The symposium “The Academician George Bengescu – Descendant of the Golescu Family.” The academician’s personality will be evoked through images, unpublished documents, publications, and personal items from the Golești Museum Archive – History Section of the Golești Museum.


On Tuesday, January 23, at 11:00 AM, the Golești Museum and its guests will celebrate 165 years since the Union of the Romanian Principalities. The event will start with a symposium dedicated to this important day -January 24, 1859, discussing the multiple meanings of this day for the modern history of Romania. The symposium will be followed by an artistic performance by the “Mihai Viteazul” Pitești Veterans’ Choir. We will conclude the celebration with a grand Union Hora in front of the manor that, for 400 years, proudly looks towards the future of the Romanian homeland. Participants will include:

The Military School of Military Masters and Non-commissioned Officers of the Land Forces “Basarab I” Pitești;

The Association of Military Personnel in Reserve and Retirement “Basarab I” Pitești;

The Military Circle Pitești;

The “Dinicu Golescu” Argeș County Library;

Educators from Argeș;

The Golești Museum. Specialists.

During the event, the Golești Museum will organize, at the headquarters of the Military School of Military Masters and Non-commissioned Officers of the Land Forces “Basarab I” Pitești, the exhibition “The 1848 Generation and the Union of 1859”.