Deschiderea expoziției „Portul popular românesc. Măreție și culoare” cu ocazia Zilei Naționale a României
The Golești Museum celebrates Romania's National Day by opening an exhibition of folk costumes from all regions of the country. We invite [...]
Alexandra Chiriță, „Dream of a dream”
On Sunday, November 17, 2024, the graphic exhibition titled Visul unui vis, belonging to plastic artist Alexandra Chiriță, will be [...]
Eugenia Predică, Medieval Manuscript Miniatures
On November 15, 2024, at 12:00, we are waiting for you at the opening of the exhibition Medieval Manuscript Miniatures, by the [...]
Ziua patrimoniului cultural imaterial
Muzeul Viticulturii și Pomiculturii Golești a organizat, joi, 17 octombrie 2024, activități culturale dedicate Zilei Patrimoniului Cultural Imaterial. Printre elementele de patrimoniu [...]
Vernisajul expoziției „În parc fanfara cânta”
On October 11, 2024, at the headquarters of the Golești Museum, the opening of the exhibition In the park the [...]
Expoziție de pictură „În parc, fanfara cânta”
Friday, October 11, 2024, at 2:00 P.M., we invite you to the Golești Museum, to a meeting with art and its lovers, [...]
Expoziție de pictură: „Interferențe”
Between October 4-31, 2024, we invite you to the Golești Museum to view the painting exhibition Interferences by visual artists Pușa Bărbulescu [...]
Maria Magdalena Pătrășcan's exhibition: ” The Family as an artistic expression in personal creation”
On Wednesday, September 18, 2024, the painting exhibition titled 'Family as an artistic expression in personal creation', belonging to the plastic artist [...]
The museum program between August 15-18, 2024
“Painted Prayers”
Between August 13 and September 30, 2024, at the Golești Museum you can admire the "Painted Prayers" exhibition by the amateur plastic [...]
Taberele de creație „Vacanța de vară la țară!”
În perioada iulie-septembrie 2024, Muzeul Golești desfășoară programul „Vacanța de vară… la țară!”. Iulie 1 – 5 iulie, Scriem frumos… lecții de caligrafie, coordonator [...]
The opening of the “Romanian Gendarmerie 1850-2020” exhibition
Today, July 19, 2024, the opening of the "Romanian Gendarmerie 1850-2020" exhibition took place. We invite you to visit it until November [...]
The Romanian Gendarmerie 1850-2020
We see them on the street patrolling, providing security in various institutions, and being present on the occasion of large-scale events [...]
Exhibition Elena Borundel and Nicu Dumitrescu, “Longing and road”
On Monday, July 1, 2024, the opening of the exhibition titled "Longing and Road" will take place at the Golești Museum. The [...]
Golești Museum schedule on Pentecost
Pentecost is a Christian holiday celebrated on the fiftieth day after Easter, which is always a Sunday. Pentecost commemorates the descent of [...]
Exhibition „From Craiova, with love!”
On Tuesday, June 18, 2024, from 1:00 p.m., we invite you to the Golești Museum to watch a group exhibition of the [...]
„Inside man”, by Lucian Dragomir
On Sunday, June 16, 2024, the sculpture exhibition entitled INSIDE MAN, belonging to the visual artist Lucian Dragomir, will be opened [...]
XXVIth edition of Très Court International Film Festival: welcome to Absurdistan! comes to the Goleşti Museum
XXVIth edition of Très Court International Film Festival: welcome to Absurdistan! comes to the Goleşti Museum, between June 14-15, 2024. Together with [...]
The ritual of bathing in the hammam
On Friday, June 7, 2024, at 12:00 p.m., at the Turkish bath located in the courtyard of the Golești mansion, will take [...]
Promoters of the Romanian Education System. The Golescu Family.
Romfilatelia will release a series of postage stamps titled "Promoters of the Romanian Education System. The Golescu Family" on Wednesday, May 29, [...]
„Costumul popular din Argeș și Muscel” în expoziție la Constanța
Between May 17 - June 30, 2024, the Goleşti Museum organizes at the headquarters of the Museum of People's Art in Constanta [...]
Expoziția „Nicolae Grant – pictorul Goleștilor”
The Golești Museun and The Craiova Art Museum organizes, between May 17 and June 30, 2024, the exhibition "Nicolae Grant, the painter [...]
Radu Oltean book presentation, autograph session and exhibition: „From Tudor’s time”
On Saturday, May 18, 2024, at 11.00 AM, we invite you to the Goleștilor Mansion, to an encounter with the author of [...]
Expoziție etnografică: „Dobrogea – multiculturalitate etnică”
From Friday, May 10, 2024, the Constanța Folk Art Museum and the Golești Museum invite you to discover a fairytale land, guarded [...]