Friday, October 11, 2024, at 2:00 P.M., we invite you to the Golești Museum, to a meeting with art and its lovers, during the opening of the painting exhibition In the park, the brass band sang.

In this exhibition you will be able to admire paintings made by 19 plastic artists who are part of the Visual Arts Association “I.D. Negulici”. The paintings that will be exhibited in Golești are an invitation to an imaginary journey, full of color and charm through Câmpulung, the old capital and urban center around which the cultural, administrative and economic life of the historic Mușcel county gravitated.

The “Pardon” boulevard and the “Merci” Public Garden are famous throughout Romania and beyond, in whose kiosk, every Sunday, the brass band sang to the delight of the locals or visitors to the city. The exhibited paintings thus capture aspects of a bourgeois-artistocratic life, with its elegance, the slow pace of social interactions, the scent of lavender, the warm light that envelops the city and its beautiful heritage houses.

Association of Visual Arts “I. D. Negulici” Câmpulung, was established with legal status in March 2022, on the old structure of the “I. D. Negulici”, which had a tradition of over 50 years.

The city of Câmpulung and the Muscel area, through its conservative cultured people, with a highly developed local patriotic spirit, will remain in the collective memory as an indisputable seal: I.D. Negulici, I.D. Mirea, Alexandru Donici, Eugen Pohonţu, Victorian Stănescu, Mircea Constantinescu, Doru Oncete, Maria Proca Jinga, Gheorghe Fleşaru, Ştefan Chioreanu, Gheorghe Paulian and Nelu Constantin and many others honor the artistic history of this old center of urban culture.

With a long history, but sprinkled with many stops, from 1959 until now, the Câmpulung painting school has been a source of education, inspiration and cultivation of beauty. Today, 27 amateur visual artists work within the association.

On Friday, we are waiting for you at 2 p.m., at the Golești Museum for a meeting with art, with history and with people dedicated to art, in the exhibition space called the Golești History Section.