On the occasion of the 166th anniversary of the Union of the Romanian Principalities under the scepter of Alexandru Ioan Cuza, today, January 23, 2025, an extensive activity took place at the Golești Museum, which included a historical symposium, artistic moments and the traditional „Hora Unirii”, in which the participants of the event shook “hand in hand” – as the song of the union says!
Dear guests of our museum participated: students and military personnel from the Military School “Basarab I”, students from Hârsești who are part of the external section of the Popular School of Arts and Crafts and the “Mihai Viteazul” Veterans Choir from Pitești.
The Unification of 1859 was a particularly important moment in the history of Romania, representing the beginning of the process of forming a unitary Romanian state. This unification took place between two principalities – Wallachia and Moldavia – under the reign of the same sovereign, Alexandru Ioan Cuza, and was an essential step towards consolidating national identity and promoting the modernization of the Romanian state. The unification was supported by a series of internal and external factors, and the involvement of important personalities was decisive for the success of this project.
The union of 1859 was achieved in a complex geopolitical context, marked by the interventions of the great European powers. However, the desire for the unification of the two principalities, Wallachia and Moldavia, was also strengthened among the population, due to cultural, linguistic and historical similarities. Through this union, the foundation of a strong and modern Romanian state was laid, able to face the internal and external challenges of the time. The union of the two principalities under Alexandru Ioan Cuza was an act of great national significance and was supported by all those who dreamed of creating a united and independent Romania, as was the remarkable Golescu boyar family.
Ștefan and Nicolae Golescu had an essential contribution to this process. Both brothers were actively involved in the political and social life of the time, being supporters of the idea of unification of the two principalities. The Golescu brothers were involved in organizing the movements that prepared the ground for this union, being, through their political activities and involvement in promoting the idea of union, true pillars of the Romanian national movement.